COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive (7-day average) quidel-covid-ag

When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system …

When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 0-17, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling

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Quidel Inc. (COVID) (quidel-covid-ag)
About this signal
Data Source quidel-covid-ag
Signal Name covid_ag_smoothed_pct_positive_age_0_17
Geographic Granularity, aka Geo-Level
Signal Type
Reporting Cadence Daily
Typical Revision Cadence Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location.
Typical Reporting Lag 5-6 days
Format Percent
Temporal Resolution Date
Smoothing Yes
Cumulative No
Standard Error Yes
Sample Size Yes
Temporal Scope Start 2020-05-26
Temporal Scope End Ongoing
Related signals (signals with the same base) COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive
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