Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average, per 100k people) hospital-admissions

Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of electronic medical records and claims from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects. Discontinued October 1, 2020.

Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of electronic medical records and claims from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects. Discontinued October 1, 2020.

Last Updated:

Not available

Data Provided By:

Hospital Admissions From Claims (hospital-admissions)
About this signal
Data Source hospital-admissions
Signal Name smoothed_adj_covid19
Geographic Granularity, aka Geo-Level
Signal Type
Reporting Cadence Daily
Typical Revision Cadence Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 7-13 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 57 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred.
Typical Reporting Lag 3-4 days
Format Percent
Temporal Resolution Date
Smoothing Yes
Cumulative No
Standard Error No
Sample Size No
Temporal Scope Start 2020-02-01
Temporal Scope End 2020-09-27
Related signals (signals with the same base) Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average)
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