Restaurant Indoors (Last 24 Hours) fb-survey

Estimated test positivity rate (percent) among people tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days who were being screened with no symptoms or known exposure. Note: Until Wave 11 (May 19, 2021), this included people who said they were tested while receiving other medical care, because their employer o…

Estimated test positivity rate (percent) among people tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days who were being screened with no symptoms or known exposure. Note: Until Wave 11 (May 19, 2021), this included people who said they were tested while receiving other medical care, because their employer or school required it, after attending a large outdoor gathering, or prior to visiting friends or family. After that date, this includes people who said they were tested while receiving other medical care, because their employer or school required it, prior to visiting friends or family, or prior to domestic or international travel.

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Last Updated:

Not available

Data Provided By:

Delphi US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey (fb-survey)
About this signal
Data Source fb-survey
Signal Name smoothed_wscreening_tested_positive_14d
Geographic Granularity, aka Geo-Level
Signal Type
Reporting Cadence Daily
Typical Revision Cadence Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date
Typical Reporting Lag 1 day
Format Percent
Temporal Resolution Date
Smoothing Yes
Cumulative No
Standard Error Yes
Sample Size Yes
Temporal Scope Start 2021-03-19
Temporal Scope End 2022-02-18
Related signals (signals with the same base) Restaurant Indoors (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted)
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