Vaccine Not Needed: Had Covid fb-survey

Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't think vaccines are beneficial, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary.

Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't think vaccines are beneficial, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary.

Last Updated:

Not available

Data Provided By:

Delphi US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey (fb-survey)
About this signal
Data Source fb-survey
Signal Name smoothed_wdontneed_reason_not_beneficial
Geographic Granularity, aka Geo-Level
Signal Type
Reporting Cadence Daily
Typical Revision Cadence Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date
Typical Reporting Lag 1 day
Format Percent
Temporal Resolution Date
Smoothing Yes
Cumulative No
Standard Error Yes
Sample Size Yes
Temporal Scope Start 2021-02-09
Temporal Scope End 2022-06-25
Related signals (signals with the same base) Vaccine Not Needed: Had Covid (Unweighted)
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