
Showing 67 rows.
Name Pathogen(s)/Syndrome(s) Type(s) of Data Geographic Scope Geographic Granularity Temporal scope Start Temporal Scope End Temporal Granularity Reporting Cadence Reporting Lag(nominal) Revision Cadence Demographic scope Demographic Granularity Severity Pyramid Rung(s) Data Source Description of pre-processing Censoring Missingness DUA required License Documentation
CDC Website Hits ILI United States ADM 1; HHS; CR; National 2020w03 Weekly
2 days
All (ie all groups)
Symptomatic US CDC None

Permission by CDC flu division
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
State/territory Two character state/territory code where the data was collected (51 states, including DC)
Date collected (epiweek) The epiweek (YYYY-MM-DD) during which the data was collected
"What You Should Know for the Influenza Season" hits Hits for pages like '%What You Should Know for the % Influenza Season%'
"What To Do If You Get Sick" hits Hits for pages like '%What To Do If You Get Sick%'
"Flu Symptoms & Severity" hits Hits for pages like '%Flu Symptoms & Severity%'
"How Flu Spreads" hits Hits for pages like '%How Flu Spreads%'
"What You Should Know About Flu Antiviral Drugs" hits Hits for pages like '%What You Should Know About Flu Antiviral Drugs%'
"Weekly US Map" hits Hits for pages like '%Weekly US Map%'
"Basics" hits Hits for pages like '%Basics%'
"Flu Activity & Surveillance" hits Hits for pages like '%Flu Activity & Surveillance%'
Total CDC flu pages hits Total number of hits for all 8 flu page sets
Change Healthcare COVID-Confirmed Doctor Visits COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2024-02-19 Daily
4-5 days
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) Change Healthcare Time-smoothing using a Gaussian linear smoother by Delphi. Day-of-week adjustment by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. Discarded if over a given 7-day period an estimate is computed with 100 or fewer observations
Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
7dav_inpatient_covid Ratio of inpatient hospitalizations associated with COVID-19
Change Healthcare COVID-Related Doctor Visits COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2024-02-19 Daily
4-5 days
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) Change Healthcare Time-smoothing using a Gaussian linear smoother by Delphi. Day-of-week adjustment by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. Discarded if over a given 7-day period an estimate is computed with 100 or fewer observations
Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Change Healthcare Influenza-Confirmed Doctor Visits Influenza United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2024-02-19 Daily
4-5 days
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) Change Healthcare Time-smoothing using a Gaussian linear smoother by Delphi. Day-of-week adjustment by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. Discarded if over a given 7-day period an estimate is computed with 100 or fewer observations
Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Community Profile Report Confirmed COVID-19 Hospital Admissions COVID-19 United States ADM 1; HHS; National 2023-02-22 Daily
3-9 days
All (ie all groups)
Inpatient WH DSEW-CPR 7day averaging by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. None
Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
confirmed_admissions_covid_1d_7dav All confirmed COVID-19 hospital admissions occurring each day
Community Profile Report COVID-19 Booster Doses COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; National 2023-02-22 Daily
3-9 days
All (ie all groups)
Population WH DSEW-CPR Time-smoothing by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Community Profile Report COVID-19 Booster Recipients COVID-19 United States ADM 1; HHS; National 2023-02-22 Daily
3-9 days
All (ie all groups)
Population WH DSEW-CPR 7day averaging by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
people_booster_doses Cumulative number of people who have received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, smoothed in time with a 7-day average
Community Profile Report COVID-19 Test Positivity COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; National 2023-02-22 Daily
3-9 days
Almost daily
All (ie all groups)
Population WH DSEW-CPR Time-smoothing by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
covid_naat_pct_positive_7dav Rate of positive SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) tests divided by the number of tests performed and resulted
Community Profile Report COVID-19 Vaccine Doses COVID-19 United States ADM 1; HHS; National 2023-02-22 Daily
3-9 days
All (ie all groups)
Population WH DSEW-CPR 7day averaging by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
booster_doses_admin_7dav COVID-19 booster vaccine doses administered each day
doses_admin_7dav COVID-19 vaccine doses administered each day (7 day moving average)
Community Profile Report COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients COVID-19 United States ADM 1; HHS; National 2023-02-22 Daily
3-9 days
All (ie all groups)
Population WH DSEW-CPR 7day averaging by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. None
Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
people_full_vaccinated Cumulative number of people who have received a full course of the COVID-19 vaccine, smoothed in time with a 7-day average
Covid Act Now COVID-19 PCR Test Positivity Rate COVID-19 United States ADM 2; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2021-12-02 Daily
2-9 days
Usually daily
All (ie all groups)
Ascertained COVID Act Now Discarded if sample size (total tests performed) is 0
Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. A few counties, most notably in California, are not covered by this data source Data is available for all states.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Covid Act Now COVID-19 PCR Tests COVID-19 United States ADM 2; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2021-12-02 Daily
2-9 days
Usually daily
All (ie all groups)
Ascertained COVID Act Now Discarded if sample size (total tests performed) is 0
Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. A few counties, most notably in California, are not covered by this data source Data is available for all states.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
COVID-19 Burden Composite COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2021-03-16 Daily
1-3 days
Almost daily
All (ie all groups)
Symptomatic delphi Extensive processing, see documentation None. However underlying signals may perform their own censoring
Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
COVID-19 Hospital Admissions from Claims COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National Ongoing Daily
3-4 days
All (ie all groups)
Inpatient Health system partners time-smoothing by Delphi, with and without day-of-week adjustment by Delphi Discarded if over a given 7-day period an estimate is computed with 500 or fewer observations
Data is available for about 35% of counties Data is available for all states.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_covid19_from_claims Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of claims
smoothed_adj_covid19_from_claims Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of claims, adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects
COVID-19 Hospital Admissions from claims + EMR COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2020-09-27 Daily
3-4 days
All (ie all groups)
Inpatient Health system partners time-smoothing by Delphi, with and without day-of-week adjustment by Delphi Discarded if over a given 7-day period an estimate is computed with 500 or fewer observations
Data is available for about 35% of counties Data is available for all states.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_covid19 Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of electronic medical records and claims
smoothed_adj_covid19 Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of electronic medical records and claims, adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects
COVID-Related Doctor Visits COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National Ongoing Daily
3-6 days
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) Health system partners Time-smoothing using a Gaussian linear smoother by Delphi. Day-of-week adjustment by Delphi. Geo-aggregation by Delphi. Discarded if over a given 7-day period an estimate is computed with 500 or fewer observations
Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories.

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
CTIS: Behavior Indicators COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; National 2022-06-25 Daily
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Population Delphi survey hosted by Facebook population weighting by Delphi, with and without 7 day rolling by Delphi Discarded if an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses.
Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5)

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_winperson_school_fulltime Estimated percentage of people who had any children attending in-person school on a full-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household
smoothed_winperson_school_fulltime_oldest Estimated percentage of people whose oldest child is attending in-person school on a full-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household.
smoothed_winperson_school_parttime Estimated percentage of people who had any children attending in-person school on a part-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household.
smoothed_winperson_school_parttime_oldest Estimated percentage of people whose oldest child is attending in-person school on a part-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household.
smoothed_wlarge_event_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who "attended an event with more than 10 people" in the past 24 hours.
smoothed_wlarge_event_indoors_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who "attended an indoor event with more than 10 people" in the past 24 hours.
smoothed_wothers_distanced_public Estimated percentage of respondents who reported that all or most people they enountered in public in the past 7 days maintained a distance of at least 6 feet
smoothed_wothers_masked Estimated percentage of respondents who say that most or all other people wear masks, when they are in public and social distancing is not possible
smoothed_wothers_masked_public Estimated percentage of respondents who say that most or all other people wear masks, when they are in public
smoothed_wpublic_transit_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who "used public transit" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wrestaurant_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who went to a "bar, restaurant, or cafe" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wrestaurant_indoors_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who went to an indoor "bar, restaurant, or cafe" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wshop_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who went to a "market, grocery store, or pharmacy" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wshop_indoors_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who went to an "indoor market, grocery store, or pharmacy" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wspent_time_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who "spent time with someone who isn't currently staying with you" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wspent_time_indoors_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who "spent time indoors with someone who isn't currently staying with you" in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wtravel_outside_state_5d Estimated percentage of respondents who report traveling outside their state in the past 5 days
smoothed_wtravel_outside_state_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who report traveling outside their state in the past 7 days
smoothed_wwearing_mask Estimated percentage of people who wore a mask for most or all of the time while in public in the past 5 days; those not in public in the past 5 days are not counted
smoothed_wwearing_mask_7d Estimated percentage of people who wore a mask for most or all of the time while in public in the past 7 days; those not in public in the past 7 days are not counted
smoothed_wwork_outside_home_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who worked or went to school outside their home in the past 24 hours
smoothed_wwork_outside_home_indoors_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who worked or went to school outside their home in an indoor setting in the past 24 hours
CTIS: Belief, Experience, and Information Indicators COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1 2022-06-25 Daily
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Population Delphi survey hosted by Facebook population weighting by Delphi, with and without 7 day rolling by Delphi Discarded if an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses.
Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5)

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_wbelief_children_immune Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “Children cannot get COVID-19” is definitely or probably true
smoothed_belief_children_immune Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “Children cannot get COVID-19” is definitely or probably true.
smoothed_wbelief_created_small_group Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “COVID-19 was deliberately created by a small group of people who secretly manipulate world events” is definitely or probably true
smoothed_belief_created_small_group Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “COVID-19 was deliberately created by a small group of people who secretly manipulate world events” is definitely or probably true
smoothed_wbelief_distancing_effective Estimated percentage of respondents who believe that social distancing is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19
smoothed_belief_distancing_effective Estimated percentage of respondents who believe that social distancing is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19 (unweighted)
smoothed_wbelief_govt_exploitation Estimated percentage of people who indicate that the statement “The COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited by the government to control people” is definitely or probably true.
smoothed_wbelief_masking_effective Estimated percentage of respondents who believe that wearing a face mask is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19
smoothed_belief_masking_effective Estimated percentage of respondents who believe that wearing a face mask is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19 (unweighted)
smoothed_wbelief_vaccinated_mask_unnecessary Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “Getting the COVID-19 vaccine means that you can stop wearing a mask around people outside your household” is definitely or probably true
smoothed_belief_vaccinated_mask_unnecessary Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “Getting the COVID-19 vaccine means that you can stop wearing a mask around people outside your household” is definitely or probably true (unweighted)
smoothed_wdelayed_care_cost Estimated percentage of respondents who have ever delayed or not sought medical care in the past year because of cost
smoothed_delayed_care_cost Estimated percentage of respondents who have ever delayed or not sought medical care in the past year because of cost (unweighted)
smoothed_wrace_treated_fairly_healthcare Estimated percentage of respondents who somewhat or strongly agree that people of their race are treated fairly in a healthcare setting.
smoothed_wreceived_news_cdc Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from the CDC in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_experts Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from scientists and other health experts in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_friends Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from friends and family in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_govt_health Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from government health authorities or officials in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_journalists Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from journalists in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_local_health Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from local health workers, clinics, and community organizations in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_none Estimated percentage of respondents who in the past 7 days received news about COVID-19 from none of the listed sources in the question
smoothed_wreceived_news_politicians Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from politicians in the past 7 days
smoothed_wreceived_news_religious Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from religious leaders in the past 7 days
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_cdc Estimated percentage of respondents who trust the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_doctors Estimated percentage of respondents who trust doctors and other health professionals they go to for medical care to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_experts Estimated percentage of respondents who trust scientists and other health experts to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_friends Estimated percentage of respondents who trust friends and family to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_govt_health Estimated percentage of respondents who trust government health officials to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_journalists Estimated percentage of respondents who trust journalists to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_politicians Estimated percentage of respondents who trust politicians to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wtrust_covid_info_religious Estimated percentage of respondents who trust religious leaders to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19
smoothed_wwant_info_children_education Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to support their children’s education
smoothed_wwant_info_covid_treatment Estimated percentage of people who want more information about the treatment of COVID-19
smoothed_wwant_info_covid_variants Estimated percentage of people who want more information about COVID-19 variants and mutations
smoothed_wwant_info_employment Estimated percentage of people who want more information about employment and other economic and financial issues
smoothed_wwant_info_mental_health Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to maintain their mental health
smoothed_wwant_info_none Estimated percentage of people who want more information about none of the listed topics
smoothed_wwant_info_relationships Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to maintain their social relationships despite physical distancing
smoothed_wwant_info_vaccine_access Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to get a COVID-19 vaccine
smoothed_wwant_info_vaccine_types Estimated percentage of people who want more information about different types of COVID-19 vaccines
CTIS: ILI and CLI Indicators COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; National 2022-06-25 Daily
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Symptomatic Delphi survey hosted by Facebook population weighting by Delphi, with and without 7 day rolling by Delphi Discarded if an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses.
Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5)

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
raw_wcli Estimated percentage of people with COVID-like illness (weighted)
raw_cli Estimated percentage of people with COVID-like illness (unweighted)
smoothed_cli Estimated percentage of people with COVID-like illness (unweighted, 7-day average)
smoothed_wcli Estimated percentage of people with COVID-like illness (weighted, 7-day average)
raw_whh_cmnty_cli Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community
raw_hh_cmnty_cli (unweighted) Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community, unweighted
smoothed_hh_cmnty_cli (unweighted, 7dav) Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community, unweighted, 7-day average
smoothed_whh_cmnty_cli (7dav) Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community, 7-day average
raw_wili Estimated percentage of people with influenza-like illness
raw_ili Estimated percentage of people with influenza-like illness (unweighted)
smoothed_ili Estimated percentage of people with influenza-like illness (unweighted, 7-day average)
smoothed_wili Estimated percentage of people with influenza-like illness (7-day average)
raw_wnohh_cmnty_cli Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community not including their household
raw_nohh_cmnty_cli Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community not including their household (unweighted)
smoothed_wnohh_cmnty_cli Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community not including their household (7-day average)
CTIS: Mental Health Indicators n/a United States HRR; MSA; DMA; ADM 1 2022-06-25 Daily
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Population Delphi survey hosted by Facebook population weighting by Delphi, with and without 7 day rolling by Delphi Discarded if an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses.
Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5)

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_wanxious_5d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" for most or all of the past 5 days.
smoothed_wanxious_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" for most or all of the past 7 days.
smoothed_anxious_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" for most or all of the past 7 days (unweighted)
smoothed_wdepressed_5d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling depressed for most or all of the past 5 days
smoothed_depressed_5d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling depressed for most or all of the past 5 days (unweighted)
smoothed_wdepressed_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling depressed for most or all of the past 7 days
smoothed_depressed_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling depressed for most or all of the past 7 days (unweighted)
smoothed_wfelt_isolated_5d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "isolated from others" for most or all of the past 5 days
smoothed_felt_isolated_5d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "isolated from others" for most or all of the past 5 days (unweighted)
smoothed_wfelt_isolated_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "isolated from others" for most or all of the past 7 days
smoothed_felt_isolated_7d Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "isolated from others" for most or all of the past 7 days (unweighted)
smoothed_wworried_become_ill Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling very or somewhat worried that "you or someone in your immediate family might become seriously ill from COVID-19"
smoothed_wworried_catch_covid Estimated percentage of respondents worrying either a great deal or a moderate amount about catching COVID-19
smoothed_wworried_vaccine_side_effects Estimated percentage of respondents who are very or moderately concerned that they would "experience a side effect from a COVID-19 vaccination."
CTIS: Testing Indicators COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; National 2022-06-25 Daily
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Tested Delphi survey hosted by Facebook population weighting by Delphi, with and without 7 day rolling by Delphi Discarded if an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses.
Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5)

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_whad_covid_ever Estimated percentage of people who report having ever had COVID-19
smoothed_had_covid_ever Estimated percentage of people who report having ever had COVID-19 (unweighted)
smoothed_wscreening_tested_positive_14d Estimated test positivity rate (percent) among people tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days who were being screened with no symptoms or known exposure
smoothed_wwanted_test_14d Estimated percentage of people who wanted to be tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, out of people who were not tested in that time
CTIS: Vaccination Indicators COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; National 2022-06-25 Daily
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Vaccinated Delphi survey hosted by Facebook population weighting by Delphi, with and without 7 day rolling by Delphi Discarded if an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses.
Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5)

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
smoothed_waccept_covid_vaccine Estimated percentage of respondents who would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a COVID-19 vaccine were offered to them today
smoothed_accept_covid_vaccine Estimated percentage of respondents who would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a COVID-19 vaccine were offered to them today (unweighted)
smoothed_waccept_covid_vaccine_no_appointment Estimated percentage of respondents who would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated and do not have an appointment to do so.
smoothed_accept_covid_vaccine_no_appointment Estimated percentage of respondents who would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated and do not have an appointment to do so (unweighted)
smoothed_wappointment_not_vaccinated Estimated percentage of respondents who have an appointment to get a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_appointment_not_vaccinated Estimated percentage of respondents who have an appointment to get a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated (unweighted)
smoothed_wappointment_or_accept_covid_vaccine Estimated percentage of respondents who either have an appointment to get a COVID-19 vaccine or would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_appointment_or_accept_covid_vaccine Estimated percentage of respondents who either have an appointment to get a COVID-19 vaccine or would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated (unweighted)
smoothed_wcovid_vaccinated Estimated percentage of respondents who have already received a vaccine for COVID-19
smoothed_covid_vaccinated Estimated percentage of respondents who have already received a vaccine for COVID-19 (unweighted)
smoothed_wcovid_vaccinated_appointment_or_accept Estimated percentage of respondents who either have already received a COVID vaccine, have an appointment to receive a COVID vaccine, or would definitely or probably choose to receive one if it were offered to them today
smoothed_covid_vaccinated_appointment_or_accept Estimated percentage of respondents who either have already received a COVID vaccine, have an appointment to receive a COVID vaccine, or would definitely or probably choose to receive one if it were offered to them today (unweighted)
smoothed_wcovid_vaccinated_friends Estimated percentage of respondents who report that most of their friends and family have received a COVID-19 vaccine
smoothed_covid_vaccinated_friends Estimated percentage of respondents who report that most of their friends and family have received a COVID-19 vaccine (unweighted)
smoothed_wcovid_vaccinated_or_accept Estimated percentage of respondents who either have already received a COVID vaccine or would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today.
smoothed_covid_vaccinated_or_accept Estimated percentage of respondents who either have already received a COVID vaccine or would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_dont_spend_time Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't spend time with high-risk people
smoothed_dontneed_reason_dont_spend_time Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't spend time with high-risk people (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_had_covid Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they already had the illness
smoothed_dontneed_reason_had_covid Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they already had the illness (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_not_beneficial Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't think vaccines are beneficial
smoothed_dontneed_reason_not_beneficial Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't think vaccines are beneficial (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_not_high_risk Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they are not in a high-risk group
smoothed_dontneed_reason_not_high_risk Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they are not in a high-risk group (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_not_serious Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't believe COVID-19 is a serious illness
smoothed_dontneed_reason_not_serious Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't believe COVID-19 is a serious illness (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_other Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine for another reason
smoothed_dontneed_reason_other Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine for another reason (unweighted)
smoothed_wdontneed_reason_precautions Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they will use other precautions, such as a mask
smoothed_dontneed_reason_precautions Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they will use other precautions, such as a mask (unweighted)
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_allergic Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about having an allergic reaction
smoothed_hesitancy_reason_allergic Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about having an allergic reaction (unweighted)
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_cost Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about the cost
smoothed_hesitancy_reason_cost Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about the cost (unweighted)
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_dislike_vaccines Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they dislike vaccines
smoothed_hesitancy_reason_dislike_vaccines Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they dislike vaccines (unweighted)
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_dislike_vaccines_generally Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they dislike vaccines generally
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_distrust_gov Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't trust the government
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_distrust_vaccines Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't trust COVID-19 vaccines
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_health_condition Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they have a health condition that may impact the safety of a COVID-19 vaccine
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_ineffective Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't know if a COVID-19 vaccine will work
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_low_priority Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they think other people need it more than they do
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_not_recommended Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because their doctor did not recommend it
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_other Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated for another reason
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_pregnant Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are pregnant or breastfeeding
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_religious Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because it is against their religious beliefs
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_sideeffects Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about side effects
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_unnecessary Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine
smoothed_whesitancy_reason_wait_safety Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they want to wait to see if the COVID-19 vaccines are safe
smoothed_wreceived_2_vaccine_doses Estimated percentage of respondents who have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who have received either one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
smoothed_wtry_vaccinate_1m Estimated percentage of respondents who report that they will try to get the COVID-19 vaccine within a week to a month
smoothed_wvaccinate_child_oldest Estimated percentage of respondents with children who report that they will definitely or probably get the vaccine for their oldest child
smoothed_wvaccinate_children Estimated percentage of respondents with children who report that they will definitely or probably get the vaccine for their children
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_appointment_location Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_appointment_location_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_appointment_location_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_appointment_time Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_appointment_time_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment times as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_appointment_time_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment times as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_childcare Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_childcare_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_childcare_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_document Estimated percentage of respondents who report inability to provide required documents as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_document_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report inability to provide required documents as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_document_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report inability to provide required documents as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_eligible Estimated percentage of respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_eligible_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_eligible_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_language Estimated percentage of respondents who report information not being available in their native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_language_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report information not being available in their native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_language_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report information not being available in their native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_no_appointments Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_no_appointments_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_no_appointments_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_none Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing none of the listed barriers to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_none_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing none of the listed barriers to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_none_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing none of the listed barriers to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_other Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing some other barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_other_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing some other barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_other_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing some other barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_technical_difficulties Estimated percentage of respondents who report technical difficulties with the website or phone line as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_technical_difficulties_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report technical difficulties with the website or phone line as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_technical_difficulties_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report technical difficulties with the website or phone line as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_technology_access Estimated percentage of respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_technology_access_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_technology_access_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_time Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_time_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_time_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_travel Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination sites as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_travel_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination sites as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_travel_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination sites as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_type Estimated percentage of respondents who report available vaccine type as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated.
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_type_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report available vaccine type as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_barrier_type_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report available vaccine type as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_likely_doctors Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by doctors and other health professionals they go to for medical care, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_likely_friends Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by friends and family, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_likely_govt_health Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by government health officials, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_likely_local_health Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by local health workers, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_likely_politicians Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by politicians, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
smoothed_wvaccine_likely_who Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by the World Health Organization, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated
Delphi Dengue Nowcasts Dengue North and South America National 2020w32 Weekly
All (ie all groups)
Ascertained delphi Sensor fusion model

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Two character state/territory code
The epiweek (YYYY-MM-DD) associated with the data
Dengue fever nowcast
Standard deviation associated with the nowcast
Delphi Dengue Sensors Dengue North and South America National 2020w32 Weekly
All (ie all groups)
Ascertained delphi Sensors are fit to estimate a target surveillance stream from individual data sources or models

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Abbreviation of sensor name. Some correspond to other data sources Delphi publishes. No auth token required to access: `sar3`, `epic`, `arch`. Auth token required to access: `twtr`, `gft`, `ght`, `ghtj`, `cdc`, `quid`, `wiki`.
Two character ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country code
The epiweek (YYYY-MM-DD) associated with the data
Sensorized value
Delphi ILI Sensors ILI United States ADM 1 (partial); HHS; CR; National 2022w36 Weekly
-1 to 1 day
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) delphi Sensors are fit to estimate the target (%wILI) from individual data sources or models.

David Farrow's PhD thesis (, section 4.3
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Abbreviation of sensor name. Some correspond to other data sources Delphi publishes. No auth token required to access: `sar3`, `epic`, `arch`. Auth token required to access: `twtr`, `gft`, `ght`, `ghtj`, `cdc`, `quid`, `wiki`.
Two character state abbreviation
The epiweek (YYYY-MM-DD) associated with the data
Sensorized value
Delphi ILI-Nearby Nowcasts ILI United States ADM 1; HHS; CR; National 2022w36 Weekly
{-1, 1} day
Weekly (x2)
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) delphi Sensor fusion model

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Two character state/territory code
The epiweek (YYYY-MM-DD) associated with the data
Standard deviation associated with the nowcast
Delphi ILINet Forecasts ILI United States ADM 1; HHS; National 2020w19 Weekly
Typically {2, -5, -12, -19} days
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) delphi Time series model

Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Forecast output as dataframe
European ILI ILI Europe and Central Asia National 2020w12 Weekly
All (ie all groups)
Outpatient (including ED) European CDC

This was scraped from a publicly-accessible website, but no explicit license terms were found.
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
The date when this record was first published by the European CDC
Full English name of the European country
The epiweek of publication (e.g. issue 201453 includes epiweeks up to and including 2014w53, but not 2015w01 or following)
The epiweek during which the data was collected
Number of weeks between `epiweek` and `issue`
Number of ILI per 100k population
The date when this record was first published by the CDC
FluSurv-NET influenza hospitalization rates Influenza United States (FluSurv-NET catchment areas) ADM 1 (partial); National 2020w17 Weekly
Weekly during flu season (w40-w20)
6 days
Mostly weekly
All (ie all groups)
All; ages 0-4, 5-17, 18-49, 50-64, 65+
Inpatient US CDC FluSurv public reporting starts when season-cumulative admissions in that jurisdiction reach a certain threshold.
Typically available for most of the influenza season (w40-w20)

[Publicly Accessible US Government](
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
The epiweek of publication (e.g. issue 201453 includes epiweeks up to and including 2014w53, but not 2015w01 or following)
The epiweek during which the data was collected
The name of the catchment area (e.g. 'network_all', 'CA', 'NY_albany')
Number of weeks between `epiweek` and `issue`
Percent of hospitalizations that are associated with influenza for ages 0-4
Percent of hospitalizations that are associated with influenza for ages 5-17
Percent of hospitalizations that are associated with influenza for ages 18-49
Percent of hospitalizations that are associated with influenza for ages 50-64
Percent of hospitalizations that are associated with influenza for ages 65+
Percent of hospitalizations that are associated with influenza for all age groups
Google COVID-19 Symptoms Searches COVID-19 ILI United States ADM 1; HHS; National Ongoing Daily
4-7 days
All (ie all groups)
Symptomatic Google with and without 7day smoothed by Delphi Unavailable when daily volume in a region does not meet quality or privacy thresholds, as set by Google. Google also uses differential privacy, which adds artificial noise to the incoming data
Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason

Google Terms of Service (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
s01_raw_search s01: Cough, Phlegm, Sputum, Upper respiratory tract infection (raw)
s01_smoothed_search s01: Cough, Phlegm, Sputum, Upper respiratory tract infection (smoothed)
s02_raw_search s02: Nasal congestion, Post nasal drip, Rhinorrhea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Common cold (raw)
s02_smoothed_search s02: Nasal congestion, Post nasal drip, Rhinorrhea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Common cold, 7-day average
s03_raw_search s03: Fever, Hyperthermia, Chills, Shivering, Low grade fever
s03_smoothed_search s03: Fever, Hyperthermia, Chills, Shivering, Low grade fever, 7-day average
s04_raw_search s04: Shortness of breath, Wheeze, Croup, Pneumonia, Asthma, Crackles, Acute bronchitis, Bronchitis
s04_smoothed_search s04: Shortness of breath, Wheeze, Croup, Pneumonia, Asthma, Crackles, Acute bronchitis, Bronchitis, 7-day average
s05_raw_search s05: Anosmia, Dysgeusia, Ageusia
s05_smoothed_search s05: Anosmia, Dysgeusia, Ageusia, 7-day average
s06_raw_search s06: Laryngitis, Sore throat, Throat irritation
s06_smoothed_search s06: Laryngitis, Sore throat, Throat irritation (7dav)
Google Flu Trends (GFT) ILI United States ADM 3; ADM 1; HHS; National 2015w32 Weekly
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Population Google Normalization Unavailable when daily volume in a region does not meet quality or privacy thresholds, as set by Google. Google also uses differential privacy, which adds artificial noise to the incoming data

Google Terms of Service (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
The name of the location
The epiweek (YYYY-MM-DD) associated with the data
Flu search activity based on aggregated Google Search query data, standardized to make data more comparable across regions. The 'baseline' level for each region (shown as 0) is its average flu search activity, measured over many seasons. Activity levels for each region represent how much flu search activity differs from that region’s 'baseline' level.
Google Health Trends (GHT) COVID-Related Searches COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1; HHS; National 2021-03-04 Daily
4-5 days
All (ie all groups)
Population Google with and without time-smoothed by Delphi Reported as 0 query when search volume is below a certain threshold
Data is available for all states.

Google Terms of Service (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
raw_search Google search volume for COVID-related searches, in arbitrary units that are normalized for population
smoothed_search Google search volume for COVID-related searches, in arbitrary units that are normalized for population, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother
Google Health Trends (GHT) ILI-Related Searches ILI North and South America ADM 1; National 2022w36 Weekly
1 day
All (ie all groups)
Population Google Normalization Unavailable when daily volume in a region does not meet quality or privacy thresholds, as set by Google. Google also uses differential privacy, which adds artificial noise to the incoming data

Google Terms of Service (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Google Symptom Surveys COVID-Like Illness COVID-19 United States ADM 1 2020-05-14 Daily
1-2 days
Daily for 3 days but with minimal changes.
All (ie all groups)
Symptomatic Delphi survey hosted by Google with and without time-smoothed by Delphi Discarded when an estimate is based on fewer than 100 survey responses
Data is available for about 20% of counties Data is available for all states.

Google Terms of Service (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
raw_cli Estimated percentage of people who know someone in their community with COVID-like illness
smoothed_cli Estimated percentage of people who know someone in their community with COVID-like illness (smoothed)
HealthTweets ILI Twitter Activity Influenza United States ADM 1; HHS; CR; National 2020-12-07 Daily, Weekly
All (ie all groups)
Symptomatic twitter

publicly accessible. Please cite: Mark Dredze, Renyuan Cheng, Michael J Paul, David A Broniatowski. A Platform for Public Health Surveillance using Twitter. AAAI Workshop on the World Wide Web and Public Health Intelligence, 2014.
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
The date a tweet was made
Two-letter U.S. state abbreviation
The number of flu-related tweets
The total number of tweets
The percent of tweets made that were related to flu
HHS Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions COVID-19 United States ADM 1; HHS; National 2024-04-30 Daily
5-11 days
Often twice a week, sometimes almost daily
All (ie all groups)
Inpatient US HHS/CDC/NHSN, via None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government data (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
confirmed_admissions_covid_1d Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions per day
confirmed_admissions_covid_1d_7dav Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average)
HHS Confirmed Influenza Admissions Influenza United States Facility 2024-04-30 Daily
5-11 days
Often twice a week, sometimes almost daily
All (ie all groups)
Inpatient US HHS/CDC/NHSN, via None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

Publicly Accessible US Government data (
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d Confirmed Influenza Admissions per day
confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d_7dav Confirmed Influenza Admissions per day (7-day average)
HHS COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by Facility COVID-19 United States ADM 2; HRR; MSA; ADM 1 2024w08 Weekly
up to twice a week
11-19 days
Often twice a week, sometimes almost daily
All (ie all groups)
All; adult, pediatric; ages 18-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+
Inpatient US HHS/CDC/NHSN, via None by Delphi None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

[Publicly Accessible US Government data](
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
the day (YYYYMMDD) that the dataset was published. equivalent to `issue` in the state timeseries and metadata tables, but renamed here for clarity.
This unique key for the given hospital that will match the ccn column if it exists, otherwise, it is a derived unique key.
The first day (YYYYMMDD) of the week to which the data applies. This is a weekly rollup of daily data from Friday to Thursday. as a result, we can't use Sunday-to-Saturday epiweeks (YYYYMM) to identify the week, so we instead use the date of Friday, as is done in the upstream data source.
The two character state/territory code for the hospital.
CMS Certification Number (CCN) of the given facility
The name of the facility reporting.
The address of the facility reporting.
Location of facility given in longitude-latitude coordinates
The city of the facility reporting.
The 5-digit zip code of the facility reporting.
The sub-type of the facility reporting. Valid values are: Children's Hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals, Long Term, Psychiatric, Rehabilitation & Short Term. Some facilities are not designated with this field.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code of the location of the hospital.
This is based on whether the facility serves a Metropolitan or Micropolitan area. True if yes, and false if no.
Average of total number of all staffed inpatient and outpatient beds in the hospital, including all overflow, observation, and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation) reported during the 7-day period.
Average of all staffed inpatient and outpatient adult beds in the hospital, including all overflow and active surge/expansion beds for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation) reported during the 7-day period.
Average of total number of staffed inpatient adult beds in the hospital including all overflow and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients (including all designated ICU beds) reported during the 7-day period.
Average of total number of staffed inpatient beds that are occupied reported during the 7-day period.
Average of total number of staffed inpatient adult beds that are occupied reported during the 7-day period.
Average number of patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed or suspected COVID19, including those in observation beds reported during the 7-day period.
Average number of patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, including those in observation beds. This average includes patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza.
Average number of patients currently hospitalized in a pediatric inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, who are suspected or laboratory-confirmed-positive for COVID-19. This average includes those in observation beds reported in the 7-day period.
Average number of patients currently hospitalized in a pediatric inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including those in observation beds. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory confirmed influenza in this field reported in the 7-day period.
Average number of total number of staffed inpatient beds in your hospital including all overflow, observation, and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients (including all ICU beds) reported in the 7-day period.
Average of total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds reported in the 7-day period.
Average number of total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds reported in the 7-day period.
Average number of total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds reported in the 7-day period.
Average of total number of staffed inpatient adult ICU beds that are occupied reported in the 7-day period.
Average number of patients currently hospitalized in a designated adult ICU bed who have suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 reported in the 7-day period.
Average number of patients currently hospitalized in a designated adult ICU bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza in this field reported in the 7-day period.
umber of patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed influenza. Including those in observation beds reported in the 7-day period.
Average of patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in a designated ICU bed with laboratory-confirmed influenza in the 7-day period.
umber of patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of all staffed inpatient and outpatient beds in the hospital, including all overflow, observation, and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation) reported during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of all staffed inpatient and outpatient adult beds in the hospital, including all overflow and active surge/expansion beds for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation) reported during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of all staffed inpatient and outpatient adult beds in the hospital, including all overflow and active surge/expansion beds for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation) reported during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient beds that are occupied reported during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient adult beds that are occupied reported during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed or suspected COVID19. Including those in observation beds reported during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including those in observation beds. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory confirmed influenza in this field during the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients currently hospitalized in a pediatric inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, who are suspected or laboratory-confirmed-positive for COVID-19. Including those in observation beds reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients currently hospitalized in a pediatric inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including those in observation beds. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory confirmed influenza in this field reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient beds in your hospital including all overflow, observation, and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients (including all ICU beds) reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient adult ICU beds reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of total number of staffed inpatient adult ICU beds that are occupied reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients currently hospitalized in a designated adult ICU bed who have suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients currently hospitalized in a designated adult ICU bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza in this field reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed influenza. Including those in observation beds reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in a designated ICU bed with laboratory-confirmed influenza reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of reports of patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza reported in the 7-day period.
Number of times in the 7 day period that the facility reported total number of all staffed inpatient and outpatient beds in your hospital, including all overflow, observation, and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation)
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of all staffed inpatient and outpatient adult beds in your hospital, including all overflow and active surge/expansion beds for inpatients and for outpatients (including all ICU, ED, and observation)
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient adult beds in your hospital including all overflow and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients (including all designated ICU beds)
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient beds that are occupied.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient adult beds that are occupied.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed or suspected COVID19. Including those in observation beds.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients currently hospitalized in an adult inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including those in observation beds. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory confirmed influenza in this field.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported Patients currently hospitalized in a pediatric inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, who are suspected or laboratory-confirmed-positive for COVID-19. Including those in observation beds.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients currently hospitalized in a pediatric inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including those in observation beds. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory confirmed influenza in this field.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient beds in your hospital including all overflow, observation, and active surge/expansion beds used for inpatients (including all ICU beds)
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient adult ICU beds.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient ICU beds.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported total number of staffed inpatient adult ICU beds that are occupied.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients currently hospitalized in a designated adult ICU bed who have suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients currently hospitalized in a designated adult ICU bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Including patients who have both laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza in this field.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed influenza. Including those in observation beds.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in a designated ICU bed with laboratory-confirmed influenza.
Number of times in the 7-day period that the facility reported patients (all ages) currently hospitalized in an inpatient bed who have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and laboratory-confirmed influenza.
Sum of number of patients who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 18-19 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 20-29 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 30-39 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 40-49 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 50-59 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 60-69 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 70-79 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients 80 or older who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age unknown who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of pediatric patients who were admitted to an inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, on the previous calendar day who had confirmed COVID-19 at the time of admission.
Sum of total number of ED visits who were seen on the previous calendar day who had a visit related to COVID-19 (meets suspected or confirmed definition or presents for COVID diagnostic testing – do not count patients who present for pre-procedure screening) reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 18-19 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 20-29 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 30-39 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 40-49 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 50-59 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 60-69 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age 70-79 who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients 80 or older who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients age unknown who were admitted to an adult inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of number of pediatrics patients who were admitted to an inpatient bed, including NICU, PICU, newborn, and nursery, on the previous calendar day who had suspected COVID-19 at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
Sum of total number of patient visits to the ED who were seen on the previous calendar day regardless of reason for visit. Including all patients who are triaged even if they leave before being seen by a provider reported in the 7-day period.
Sum of number of patients (all ages) who were admitted to an inpatient bed on the previous calendar day who had laboratory-confirmed influenza at the time of admission reported in 7-day period.
If a fields has been altered from its raw, submitted value to smooth out data anomalies, this flag will be set to 'true'. This processing is done by the data provider, not by Delphi
Number of times in the 7 day period that the facility reported the number of patients admitted to adult inpatient bed on previous calendar day with confirmed COVID-19
Number of times in the 7 day period that the facility reported the number of patients admitted to adult inpatient bed on previous calendar day with suspected COVID-19
Number of times in the 7 day period that the facility reported the number of pediatric patients admitted to an inpatient bed on previous calendar day with confirmed COVID-19
Number of times in the 7 day period that the facility reported the number of pediatric patients admitted to inpatient bed on previous calendar day with suspected COVID-19
The number reported of patients who received the final dose in a COVID-19 vaccination series. (Collected on Wednesdays only)
The number reported of patients who received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine that is administered in a multi-dose series. (Collected on Wednesdays only)
The current number reported of healthcare personnel who have received a complete series of a COVID-19vaccination.Includes those who have received all doses in a multi-dose series as well as those who received a single-dose vaccine. (Collected on Wednesdays only)
The number reported of healthcare personnel who have not yet received a single vaccine dose. (Collected on Wednesdays only)
The current number reported of healthcare personnel who have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination that is administered in a multi-dose series. This field is meant to represent those who have begun but not completed the vaccination process. Does not include those who received a single-dose vaccine in this field. (Collected on Wednesdays only)
HHS COVID-19 Reported Patient Impact and Hospital Capacity by State COVID-19 United States Facility 2024-04-27 Daily
usually twice a week
5-11 days
Often twice a week, sometimes almost daily
All (ie all groups)
All; adult, pediatric; ages 18-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+
Inpatient US HHS/CDC/NHSN, via None by Delphi None
Data is available for all states and some territories.

[Publicly Accessible US Government data](
Select Signal Set Members
Signal Name Signal description
Published date the day (YYYYMMDD) that the dataset was published
State The two character state code
the day (YYYYMMDD) to which the data applies. For data taken from daily snapshot files, the `date` field is filled from the provided `reporting_cutoff_start` value, defined as 'Look back date start - The latest reports from each hospital is summed for this report starting with this date.'
% covid - adult ICU beds Percentage of total staffed adult ICU beds currently utilized by patients who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in this state. This number only accounts for hospitals in the state that report both 'staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_suspected_covid' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds' fields.
# of hospitals reporting covid Number of hospitals reporting both both 'staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_suspected_covid' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds'.
total adult ICU beds for hospitals reporting covid Sum of 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds' for hospitals reporting both 'staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_suspected_covid' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds'.
total covid patients in adult ICU beds for hospitals reporting covid Sum of 'staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_suspected_covid' for hospitals reporting both 'staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_suspected_covid' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds'.
% utilization of adult ICU beds Percentage of staffed adult ICU beds that are being utilized in this state. This number only accounts for hospitals in the state that report both 'staffed_adult_icu_bed_occupancy' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds' fields.
# of hospitals reporting occupancy Number of hospitals reporting both both 'staffed_adult_icu_bed_occupancy' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds'.
total adult ICU beds for hospitals reporting occupancy Sum of 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds' for hospitals reporting both 'staffed_adult_icu_bed_occupancy' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds'.
total ICU occupancy for hospitals reporting occupancy Sum of 'staffed_adult_icu_bed_occupancy' for hospitals reporting both 'staffed_adult_icu_bed_occupancy' and 'total_staffed_adult_icu_beds'.
# of hospitals reporting no anticipated critical staffing shortage Number of hospitals reporting that they do not anticipate a critical staffing shortage within a week in this state.
# of hospitals not reporting staffing shortage Number of hospitals not reporting staffing shortage within week status in this state.
# of hospitals reporting critical staffing shortage Number of hospitals reporting that they anticipate a critical staffing shortage within a week in this state.
# of hospitals reporting no critical staffing shortage today Number of hospitals reporting as not having a critical staffing shortage today in this state.
# of hospitals reporting no staffing shortage today Number of hospitals not reporting staffing shortage today status in this state.
# of hospitals reporting critical staffing shortage today Number of hospitals reporting a critical staffing shortage today in this state.
total inpatients with hospital-onset covid Total current inpatients with onset of suspected or laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 fourteen or more days after admission for a condition other than COVID-19 in this state.
# of hospitals reporting hospital-onset covid Number of hospitals reporting 'hospital_onset_covid' in this state
% inpatient beds utilized by covid patients Percentage of total (used/available) inpatient beds currently utilized by patients who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in this state. This number only accounts for hospitals in the state that report both 'inpatient_beds_used_covid' and 'inpatient_beds' fields.
# of hospitals reporting inpatient beds with covid patients Number of hospitals reporting both 'inpatient_beds_used_covid' and 'inpatient_beds'.
total inpatient beds for hospitals