
Showing 469 rows.
Name Ongoing Data Source Description Geographic Scope Geographic Granularity, aka Geo-Level Available Since Available Until Temporal Granularity Reporting Cadence Reporting Lag(nominal) Revision Cadence Demographic Scope Pathogen / Syndrome Severity Pyramid Rungs Missingness License / Data Use Restrictions
COVID-Related Doctor Visits Change Healthcare Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits primarily about COVID-related symptoms, based on Change Healthcare claims data that has been de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy regulations, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 4-5 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 4-6 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 45 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Change Healthcare network Covid outpatient visit Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-Related Doctor Visits (Day-adjusted) Change Healthcare Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits primarily about COVID-related symptoms, based on Change Healthcare claims data that has been de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy regulations, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 4-5 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 4-6 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 45 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Change Healthcare network Covid outpatient visit Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-Confirmed Doctor Visits Change Healthcare Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits with confirmed COVID-19, based on Change Healthcare claims data that has been de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy regulations, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 4-5 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 4-6 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 45 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Change Healthcare network Covid outpatient visit Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-Confirmed Doctor Visits (Day-adjusted) Change Healthcare Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits with confirmed COVID-19, based on Change Healthcare claims data that has been de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy regulations, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 4-5 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 4-6 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 45 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Change Healthcare network Covid outpatient visit Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
Influenza-Confirmed Doctor Visits Change Healthcare Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits with confirmed influenza, based on Change Healthcare claims data that has been de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy regulations, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 4-5 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 4-6 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 45 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Change Healthcare network Flu outpatient visit Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
Influenza-Confirmed Doctor Visits (Day-adjusted) Change Healthcare Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits with confirmed influenza, based on Change Healthcare claims data that has been de-identified in accordance with HIPAA privacy regulations, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 4-5 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 4-6 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 45 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Change Healthcare network Flu outpatient visit Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
PCR Test Positivity Rate Covid Act Now (CAN) Proportion of PCR specimens tested that have a positive result USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-03-01 2021-12-02 day daily 2-9 days Daily. Most recent test positivity rates do not change substantially (having a median delta of close to 0). However, most recent total tests performed are expected to increase in later data revisions (having a median increase of 7%). Values more than 5 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (with total tests performed having a median increase of 1% of less), as most major revisions have already occurred. Hospital patients Covid infected Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. A few counties, most notably in California, are not covered by this data source Data is available for all states. CC BY-NC
See license
Total Number of PCR Tests Covid Act Now (CAN) Total number of PCR specimens tested USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-03-01 2021-12-02 day daily 2-9 days Daily. Most recent test positivity rates do not change substantially (having a median delta of close to 0). However, most recent total tests performed are expected to increase in later data revisions (having a median increase of 7%). Values more than 5 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (with total tests performed having a median increase of 1% of less), as most major revisions have already occurred. Hospital patients Covid population Data is available for nearly all (99%) of counties. A few counties, most notably in California, are not covered by this data source Data is available for all states. CC BY-NC
See license
COVID-Related Doctor Visits Optum Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits that are primarily about COVID-related symptoms, based on data from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 3-6 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 5-7 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 50 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Optum network Covid outpatient visit Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-Related Doctor Visits (Day-adjusted) Optum Estimated percentage of outpatient doctor visits that are primarily about COVID-related symptoms, based on data from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 3-6 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 5-7 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 50 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Optum network Covid outpatient visit Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY-NC
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
booster_doses_admin_7dav US Government COVID-19 booster vaccine doses administered each day, based on the daily Community Profile Report (CPR) published by the Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup of the White House COVID-19 Team, smoothed in time with a 7-day average. "Doses administered shown by date of report, not date of administration. ... [A] booster dose includes anyone who is fully vaccinated and has received another dose of COVID-19 vaccine since August 13, 2021. This includes people who received booster doses and people who received additional doses." - from the CPR data dictionary. USA hhs nation (by Delphi) state 2021-11-01 2023-02-22 day daily 3-9 days Daily. This data source is susceptible to large corrections that can create strange data effects such as negative counts and sudden changes of 1M+ counts from one day to the next. Covid population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed COVID Admissions per day US Government All confirmed COVID-19 hospital admissions occurring each day, based on the daily Community Profile Report published by the Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup of the White House COVID-19 Team, smoothed in time with a 7-day average. Other sources of hospital admissions data in COVIDcast include [HHS]( and [medical insurance claims]( The CPR differs from these sources in that it is part of the public health surveillance stream (like HHS, unlike claims) but is available at a daily-county level (like claims, unlike HHS). CPR hospital admissions figures at the state level and above are meant to match those from HHS, but are known to differ. See the [Limitations section of the technical documentation]( for more details. USA county hhs msa nation (by Delphi) state 2020-12-16 2023-02-21 day daily 3-9 days Daily. This data source is susceptible to large corrections that can create strange data effects such as negative counts and sudden changes of 1M+ counts from one day to the next. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed COVID Admissions per day (per 100k people) US Government USA county hhs msa nation (by Delphi) state 2020-12-16 2023-02-21 day daily 3-9 days Daily. This data source is susceptible to large corrections that can create strange data effects such as negative counts and sudden changes of 1M+ counts from one day to the next. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
doses_admin_7dav US Government COVID-19 vaccine doses administered each day, based on the daily Community Profile Report (CPR) published by the Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup of the White House COVID-19 Team, smoothed in time with a 7-day average. "Doses administered shown by date of report, not date of administration." - from the CPR data dictionary. USA hhs nation (by Delphi) state 2021-05-02 2023-02-22 day daily 3-9 days Daily. This data source is susceptible to large corrections that can create strange data effects such as negative counts and sudden changes of 1M+ counts from one day to the next. Covid population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
people_booster_doses US Government Cumulative number of people who have received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, based on the daily Community Profile Report (CPR) published by the Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup of the White House COVID-19 Team, smoothed in time with a 7-day average. "The count of people who received a booster dose includes anyone who is fully vaccinated and has received another dose of COVID-19 vaccine since 2021-08-13. This includes people who received booster doses and people who received additional doses" - from the CPR data dictionary. USA hhs nation (by Delphi) state 2021-11-01 2023-02-22 day daily 3-9 days Daily. This data source is susceptible to large corrections that can create strange data effects such as negative counts and sudden changes of 1M+ counts from one day to the next. Covid population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
people_full_vaccinated US Government Cumulative number of people who have received a full course of the COVID-19 vaccine, based on the daily Community Profile Report (CPR) published by the Data Strategy and Execution Workgroup of the White House COVID-19 Team, smoothed in time with a 7-day average. "People fully vaccinated includes those who have received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine and those who have received one dose of the J&J/Janssen vaccine" - from the CPR data dictionary. USA county hhs msa nation (by Delphi) state 2021-01-15 2023-02-22 day daily 3-9 days Daily. This data source is susceptible to large corrections that can create strange data effects such as negative counts and sudden changes of 1M+ counts from one day to the next. Covid population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
COVID-Like Symptoms Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people with COVID-like illness For this signal, we estimate the percentage of people self-reporting COVID-like symptoms, defined here as fever along with either cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. While many other conditions can cause these symptoms, comparing the rates of COVID-like symptoms across the country can suggest where COVID is most active. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-26 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms (Unweighted 7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms (7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community We also ask them if they know anyone in their local community who has COVID-like symptoms, defined here as fever along with either cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. For this indicator, we estimate the percentage of people who know someone, in their household or outside it, who has these symptoms. While many conditions can cause these symptoms, not just COVID, comparing the rates across the country can suggest where COVID is most active. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-26 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community (Unweighted 7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 40% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community (7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 35% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Flu-Like Symptoms Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people with influenza-like illness For this signal, we estimate the percentage of people self-reporting influenza-like symptoms, defined here as fever along with either cough or sore throat. While many other conditions can cause these symptoms, comparing the rates of influenza-like symptoms across the country can suggest where the flu is most active. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Flu symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Flu-Like Symptoms (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-26 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Flu symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Flu-Like Symptoms (Unweighted 7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Flu symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Flu-Like Symptoms (7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Flu symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community Outside Household Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people reporting illness in their local community not including their household We also ask them if they know anyone in their local community who has COVID-like symptoms, defined here as fever along with either cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. For this indicator, we estimate the percentage of people who know someone outside their household who has these symptoms. While many conditions can cause these symptoms, not just COVID, comparing the rates across the country can suggest where COVID is most active. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community Outside Household (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-26 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community Outside Household (Unweighted 7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 40% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Like Symptoms in Community Outside Household (7-day average) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 35% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a COVID-19 vaccine were offered to them today. We also ask questions about well-being and various mitigation measures, including vaccine acceptance. For this signal, we estimate the percentage of people who would "definitely" or "probably" choose to be vaccinated if a COVID vaccine were offered to them today. Note: Until January 6, 2021, all respondents answered this question; beginning on that date, only respondents who said they have not received a COVID vaccine are asked this question. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Unvaccinated Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated and do not have an appointment to do so. Based on survey item V3a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Unvaccinated (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Anxious (Last Five Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" for most or all of the past 5 days. Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Anxious (Last Five Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Anxious (Last Seven Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" for most or all of the past 7 days. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Anxious (Last Seven Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Among Unvaccinated Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who have an appointment to get a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Based on survey item V11a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Among Unvaccinated (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Appointments Among Unvaccinated Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who either have an appointment to get a COVID-19 vaccine or would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated Based on survey items V11a and V3a. V11a was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Appointments Among Unvaccinated (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Children Can't Get COVID-19 Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “Children cannot get COVID-19” is definitely or probably true. Based on survey item I2. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Children Can't Get COVID-19 (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief COVID-19 Deliberately Created to Manipulate Events Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “COVID-19 was deliberately created by a small group of people who secretly manipulate world events” is definitely or probably true. Based on survey item I3. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief COVID-19 Deliberately Created to Manipulate Events (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Social Distancing is Effective Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who believe that social distancing is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Based on survey item G2. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Social Distancing is Effective (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief COVID-19 Exploited to Control People Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who indicate that the statement “The COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited by the government to control people” is definitely or probably true. Based on survey item I4. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief COVID-19 Exploited to Control People (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Masks Are Effective Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who believe that wearing a face mask is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Based on survey item G2. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Masks Are Effective (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Vaccines Make Masks Unnecessary Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who believe that the statement “Getting the COVID-19 vaccine means that you can stop wearing a mask around people outside your household” is definitely or probably true. Based on survey item I1. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Belief Vaccines Make Masks Unnecessary (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccinated Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who have already received a vaccine for COVID-19. Note: The Centers for Disease Control compiles data on vaccine administration across the United States. This signal may differ from CDC data because of survey biases and should not be treated as authoritative. However, the survey signal is not subject to the lags and reporting problems in official vaccination data. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-01-06 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccinated (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-01-06 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance: Vaccinated, Appointment, or Accept Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who either have already received a COVID vaccine, have an appointment to receive a COVID vaccine, or would definitely or probably choose to receive one if it were offered to them today. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance: Vaccinated, Appointment, or Accept (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Friends and Family Vaccinated Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report that most of their friends and family have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Based on survey item H3. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Friends and Family Vaccinated (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccinated or Vaccine Acceptance Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who either have already received a COVID vaccine or would definitely or probably choose to get vaccinated, if a vaccine were offered to them today. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-19 Vaccinated or Vaccine Acceptance (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Delayed Healthcare Due to Cost Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who have ever delayed or not sought medical care in the past year because of cost. Based on survey item K1. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Delayed Healthcare Due to Cost (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Depressed (Last Five Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling depressed for most or all of the past 5 days. Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Depressed (Last Five Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Depressed (Last Seven Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling depressed for most or all of the past 7 days. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Depressed (Last Seven Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Do Not Spend Time Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't spend time with high-risk people, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Do Not Spend Time (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Had Covid Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they already had the illness, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Had Covid (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Not Beneficial Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't think vaccines are beneficial, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Not Beneficial (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Not High Risk Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they are not in a high-risk group, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Not High Risk (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Not Serious Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they don't believe COVID-19 is a serious illness, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Not Serious (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Other Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine for another reason, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Other (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Precautions Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they don't need to get a COVID-19 vaccine because they will use other precautions, such as a mask, instead, among respondents who provided at least one reason for why they believe a COVID-19 vaccine is unnecessary. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Not Needed: Precautions (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Felt Isolated (Last Five Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "isolated from others" for most or all of the past 5 days. Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Felt Isolated (Last Five Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Felt Isolated (Last Seven Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling "isolated from others" for most or all of the past 7 days. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Felt Isolated (Last Seven Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Ever Had COVID-19 Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who report having ever had COVID-19. Based on survey item B13. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid ascertained (case) Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Ever Had COVID-19 (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid ascertained (case) Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Allergic Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about having an allergic reaction, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Allergic (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Cost Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about the cost, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Cost (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Dislike Vaccines Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they dislike vaccines, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-12-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Dislike Vaccines (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-12-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitance: Dislike Vaccines Generally Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they dislike vaccines generally, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitance: Dislike Vaccines Generally (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Distrust Government Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't trust the government, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Distrust Government (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Distrust Vaccines Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't trust COVID-19 vaccines, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Distrust Vaccines (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Health Condition Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they have a health condition that may impact the safety of a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Health Condition (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Ineffective Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't know if a COVID-19 vaccine will work, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Ineffective (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Low Priority Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they think other people need it more than they do, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Low Priority (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Was Not Recommended Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because their doctor did not recommend it, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Was Not Recommended (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Other Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated for another reason, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Other (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Pregnant Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are pregnant or breastfeeding, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Pregnant (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Religious Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because it is against their religious beliefs, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Religious (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Side Effects Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they are worried about side effects, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Side Effects (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Unnecessary Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they don't believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Unnecessary (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Wait For Safety Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they want to wait to see if the COVID-19 vaccines are safe, among respondents who answered "Yes, probably", "No, probably not", or "No, definitely not" when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Hesitancy: Wait For Safety (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Full-time Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who had any children attending in-person school on a full-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-11-24 2021-12-24 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Full-time (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-11-24 2021-12-24 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Full-time (Oldest Child) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people whose oldest child is attending in-person school on a full-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Full-time (Oldest Child) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Part-time Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who had any children attending in-person school on a part-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-11-24 2021-12-24 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Part-time (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-11-24 2021-12-24 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Part-time (Oldest Child) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people whose oldest child is attending in-person school on a part-time basis, among people reporting any pre-K-grade 12 children in their household. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
In-person School Part-time (Oldest Child) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Large Event (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who "attended an event with more than 10 people" in the past 24 hours. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 4, September 8, 2020. Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Large Event (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Large Event Indoors (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who "attended an indoor event with more than 10 people" in the past 24 hours. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Large Event Indoors (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Other People Socially Distanced Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported that all or most people they enountered in public in the past 7 days maintained a distance of at least 6 feet. Respondents who said that they have not been in public for the past 7 days are excluded. Based on survey item H1. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Other People Socially Distanced (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Other People Masked When Not Distanced Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say that most or all other people wear masks, when they are in public and social distancing is not possible. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 5, November 24, 2020. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-11-24 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Other People Masked When Not Distanced (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-11-24 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Other People Masked Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who say that most or all other people wear masks, when they are in public. Respondents who said that they have not been in public for the past 7 days are excluded. Based on survey item H2. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Other People Masked (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Public Transit (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who "used public transit" in the past 24 hours This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 4, September 8, 2020. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Public Transit (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Race Treated Fairly in Healthcare Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who somewhat or strongly agree that people of their race are treated fairly in a healthcare setting. Based on survey item K2. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Race Treated Fairly in Healthcare (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Received 2 Vaccine Doses Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, among respondents who have received either one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 7, January 12, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-01-13 2021-11-14 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Received 2 Vaccine Doses (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-01-13 2021-11-14 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From CDC Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from the CDC in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From CDC (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Scientists Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from scientists and other health experts in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Scientists (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Friends Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from friends and family in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Friends (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Health Officials Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from government health authorities or officials in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Health Officials (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Journalists Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from journalists in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Journalists (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Local Health Workers Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from local health workers, clinics, and community organizations in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Local Health Workers (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From None of Above Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who in the past 7 days received news about COVID-19 from none of the listed sources in the question. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From None of Above (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Politicians Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from politicians in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Politicians (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Religious Leaders Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who received news about COVID-19 from religious leaders in the past 7 days. Based on survey item I5. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID News From Religious Leaders (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Restaurant (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who went to a "bar, restaurant, or cafe" in the past 24 hours. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 4, September 8, 2020. Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Restaurant (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Restaurant Indoors (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who went to an indoor "bar, restaurant, or cafe" in the past 24 hours. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Restaurant Indoors (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Screening Tested Positive (Last 14 Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated test positivity rate (percent) among people tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days who were being screened with no symptoms or known exposure. Note: Until Wave 11 (May 19, 2021), this included people who said they were tested while receiving other medical care, because their employer or school required it, after attending a large outdoor gathering, or prior to visiting friends or family. After that date, this includes people who said they were tested while receiving other medical care, because their employer or school required it, prior to visiting friends or family, or prior to domestic or international travel. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-19 2022-02-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid ascertained (case) Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Screening Tested Positive (Last 14 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-19 2022-02-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid ascertained (case) Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Shop (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who went to a "market, grocery store, or pharmacy" in the past 24 hours Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Shop (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Shop Indoors (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who went to an "indoor market, grocery store, or pharmacy" in the past 24 hours This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Shop Indoors (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Spent Time (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who "spent time with someone who isn't currently staying with you" in the past 24 hours Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Spent Time (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Spent Time Indoors (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who "spent time indoors with someone who isn't currently staying with you" in the past 24 hours This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Spent Time Indoors (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Tested (Last 14 Days) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Tested (Last 14 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Tested Positive (Last 14 Days) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid ascertained (case) Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Tested Positive (Last 14 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid ascertained (case) Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Travel Outside State (Last 5 Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report traveling outside their state in the past 5 days Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Data is available for about 45% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Travel Outside State (Last 5 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Data is available for about 45% of counties. Data is available for all states and some territories. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Travel Outside State (Last 7 Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report traveling outside their state in the past 7 days. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-02-20 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Travel Outside State (Last 7 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-02-20 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From CDC Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From CDC (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Doctors Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust doctors and other health professionals they go to for medical care to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Doctors (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Scientists Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust scientists and other health experts to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Scientists (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Friends Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust friends and family to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Friends (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Health Officials Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust government health officials to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Health Officials (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Journalists Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust journalists to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Journalists (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Politicians Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust politicians to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Politicians (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Religious Leaders Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who trust religious leaders to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. Based on survey item I6. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Trust COVID Info From Religious Leaders (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Will Get COVID-19 Vaccine Within a Month Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report that they will try to get the COVID-19 vaccine within a week to a month, among unvaccinated respondents who do not have a vaccination appointment and who are uncertain about getting vaccinated (i.e. did not say they definitely would get vaccinated, nor that they definitely would not). Based on survey item V16. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Will Get COVID-19 Vaccine Within a Month (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Will Vaccinate Oldest Child for COVID-19 Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents with children who report that they will definitely or probably get the vaccine for their oldest child. Based on survey item P3. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Will Vaccinate Oldest Child for COVID-19 (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Will Vaccinate Children for COVID-19 Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents with children who report that they will definitely or probably get the vaccine for their children. Based on survey item E4. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2021-12-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Will Vaccinate Children for COVID-19 (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2021-12-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Appointment Locations Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Appointment Locations (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Appointment Locations Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Appointment Locations (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Appointment Locations Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Appointment Locations (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Appointment Times Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Appointment Times (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Appointment Times Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment times as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Appointment Times (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Appointment Times Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment times as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Appointment Times (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Childcare Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Childcare (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Childcare Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Childcare (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Childcare Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Childcare (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Documents Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report inability to provide required documents as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Documents (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Documents Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report inability to provide required documents as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Documents (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Documents Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report inability to provide required documents as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Documents (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Eligibility Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Eligibility (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Eligibility Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Eligibility (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Eligibility Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Eligibility (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Language Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report information not being available in their native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Language (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Language Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report information not being available in their native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Language (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Language Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report information not being available in their native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Language (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: No Appointments Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: No Appointments (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): No Appointments Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): No Appointments (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): No Appointments Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): No Appointments (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: None of Above Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing none of the listed barriers to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: None of Above (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): None of Above Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing none of the listed barriers to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): None of Above (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): None of Above Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing none of the listed barriers to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): None of Above (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Other Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing some other barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Other (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Other Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing some other barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Other (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Other Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report experiencing some other barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 12, December 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Other (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-12-19 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Technical Problems Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report technical difficulties with the website or phone line as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Technical Problems (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Technical Problems Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report technical difficulties with the website or phone line as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Technical Problems (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Technical Problems Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report technical difficulties with the website or phone line as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Technical Problems (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Technology Access Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Technology Access (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Technology Access Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Technology Access (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Technology Access Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Technology Access (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Time Off Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Time Off (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Time Off Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Time Off (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Time Off Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Time Off (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Travel Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination sites as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Travel (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Travel Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination sites as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Travel (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Travel Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination sites as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Travel (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Vaccine Type Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available vaccine type as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey items V15a and V15b. These items were shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier: Vaccine Type (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-06-04 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Vaccine Type Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available vaccine type as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. Based on survey item V15a. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Vaccinated): Vaccine Type (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-02-19 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Vaccine Type Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who report available vaccine type as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. Based on survey item V15b. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Barrier (Among Unvaccinated): Vaccine Type (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-07-30 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Doctors Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by doctors and other health professionals they go to for medical care, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Doctors (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Friends Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by friends and family, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Friends (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Government Health Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by government health officials, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Government Health (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Local Health Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by local health workers, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Discontinued as of Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-03-16 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Local Health (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-03-16 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Politicians Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by politicians, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: Politicians (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: WHO Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were recommended to them by the World Health Organization, among respondents who have not yet been vaccinated. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Vaccine Likely: WHO (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-12-20 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Education Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to support their children’s education. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Education (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: COVID Treatment Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about the treatment of COVID-19. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: COVID Treatment (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: COVID Variants Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about COVID-19 variants and mutations. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: COVID Variants (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Employment Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about employment and other economic and financial issues. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Employment (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Mental Health Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to maintain their mental health. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Mental Health (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: None of Above Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about none of the listed topics. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: None of Above (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Relationships Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to maintain their social relationships despite physical distancing. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Relationships (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Vaccine Access Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about how to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Vaccine Access (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Vaccine Types Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who want more information about different types of COVID-19 vaccines. Based on survey item I7. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Want Information: Vaccine Types (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Wanted Test (Last 14 Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who wanted to be tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, out of people who were not tested in that time. Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Wanted Test (Last 14 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
People Wearing Masks (Last 5 Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who wore a mask for most or all of the time while in public in the past 5 days; those not in public in the past 5 days are not counted. Discontinued as of Wave 8, February 8, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-02-22 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
People Wearing Masks (Last 5 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-02-22 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
People Wearing Masks (Last 7 Days) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of people who wore a mask for most or all of the time while in public in the past 7 days; those not in public in the past 7 days are not counted. We also ask them if they wear a mask when they are in public. For this signal, we estimate the percentage of people who say they wear a mask most or all of the time when they are in public. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 8, February 8, 2021, replacing a 5-day version of the same question. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
People Wearing Masks (Last 7 Days) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-02-09 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Work Outside Home (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who worked or went to school outside their home in the past 24 hours. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 4, September 8, 2020. Discontinued as of Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Work Outside Home (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-03-18 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Work Outside Home Indoors (Last 24 Hours) Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who worked or went to school outside their home in an indoor setting in the past 24 hours. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 10, March 2, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Work Outside Home Indoors (Last 24 Hours) (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-03-02 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried Become Ill Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who reported feeling very or somewhat worried that "you or someone in your immediate family might become seriously ill from COVID-19". Discontinued as of Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried Become Ill (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2021-08-08 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried About Catching COVID Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents worrying either a great deal or a moderate amount about catching COVID-19. Based on survey item G1. This item was shown to respondents starting in Wave 11, May 19, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried About Catching COVID (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-05-20 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried Finances Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried Finances (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-09-08 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried Vaccine Side Effects Delphi/Meta Estimated percentage of respondents who are very or moderately concerned that they would "experience a side effect from a COVID-19 vaccination." Note: Until Wave 10, March 2, 2021, all respondents answered this question, including those who had already received one or more doses of a COVID-19 vaccine; beginning on that date, only respondents who said they have not received a COVID vaccine are asked this question. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-01-13 2022-06-25 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
Worried Vaccine Side Effects (Unweighted) Delphi/Meta USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2021-01-13 2022-06-27 day daily 1 day Daily, for 5 consecutive issues for each report date Adult Facebook users Covid population Geographic coverage varies widely by signal, with anywhere from 0.4% to 25% of counties available and 15% to 100% of states. A handful of signals are available for 40-50% of counties, and all states and some territories. Signals based on questions that were asked to a subset of survey respondents are available for fewer locations. Availability declines over time as survey response rate decreases. A missing value indicates no valid data OR, for test positivity, that the value was censored due to small sample size (<= 5) CC BY
Aggregationed signals must be based on 100 or more survey responses. Delphi aggregated data has no use restrictions. Raw data users must sign DUA with Delphi, and the proposed research purpose must be consistent with the consent language used in Wave 1, regardless of which survey wave the data they're using comes from. Part- or full-time Facebook employees are not eligible to receive data access.
COVID-Related Searches Google Google search volume for COVID-related searches, in arbitrary units that are normalized for population Discontinued March 8, 2021. USA hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) dma 2020-02-01 2021-03-04 day daily 4-5 days None Google search users Covid population Data is available for all states. Google Terms of Service (
See license
COVID-Related Searches (Gaussian smoothed) Google Google search volume for COVID-related searches, in arbitrary units that are normalized for population, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother. Discontinued March 8, 2021. USA hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) dma 2020-02-01 2021-03-04 day daily 4-5 days None Google search users Covid population Data is available for all states. Google Terms of Service (
See license
COVID-Like Illness Google Estimated percentage of people who know someone in their community with COVID-like illness. Discontinued May 16, 2020. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-11 2020-05-14 day daily 1-2 days Daily, for 3 consecutive issues for each report date Google ad publisher website Google's Opinions Reward app and similar application users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 20% of counties Data is available for all states. CC BY
COVID-Like Illness (7-day average) Google USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-11 2020-05-14 day daily 1-2 days Daily, for 3 consecutive issues for each report date Google ad publisher website Google's Opinions Reward app and similar application users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 20% of counties Data is available for all states. CC BY
Ageusia Searches Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-13 2022-01-20 day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Ageusia Searches (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 2022-01-20 day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Anosmia Searches Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-13 2022-01-20 day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Anosmia Searches (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 2022-01-20 day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Cough, Phlegm, Sputum, Upper respiratory tract infection Google The average relative frequency of searches for Cough, Phlegm, Sputum, and Upper respiratory tract infection, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set showed positive correlation with cases, especially after Omicron was declared a variant of concern by the WHO. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
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Searches for: Cough, Phlegm, Sputum, Upper respiratory tract infection (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
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Searches for: Nasal congestion, Post nasal drip, Rhinorrhea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Common cold Google The average relative frequency of searches for Nasal congestion, Post nasal drip, Rhinorrhea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, and Common cold, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set showed positive correlation with cases, especially after Omicron was declared a variant of concern by the WHO. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 65% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Nasal congestion, Post nasal drip, Rhinorrhea, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Common cold (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 65% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
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Searches for: Fever, Hyperthermia, Chills, Shivering, Low grade fever Google The average relative frequency of searches for Fever, Hyperthermia, Chills, Shivering, and Low grade fever, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set showed positive correlation with cases, especially after Omicron was declared a variant of concern by the WHO. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Fever, Hyperthermia, Chills, Shivering, Low grade fever (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 50% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Shortness of breath, Wheeze, Croup, Pneumonia, Asthma, Crackles, Acute bronchitis, Bronchitis Google The average relative frequency of searches for Shortness of breath, Wheeze, Croup, Pneumonia, Asthma, Crackles, Acute bronchitis, and Bronchitis, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set showed positive correlation with cases, especially after Omicron was declared a variant of concern by the WHO. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 30% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Shortness of breath, Wheeze, Croup, Pneumonia, Asthma, Crackles, Acute bronchitis, Bronchitis (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 30% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Anosmia, Dysgeusia, Ageusia Google The average relative frequency of searches for Anosmia, Dysgeusia, and Ageusia, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set showed positive correlation with cases, especially after Omicron was declared a variant of concern by the WHO. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 90% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Anosmia, Dysgeusia, Ageusia (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 90% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Laryngitis, Sore throat, Throat irritation Google The average relative frequency of searches for Laryngitis, Sore throat, and Throat irritation, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set showed positive correlation with cases, especially after Omicron was declared a variant of concern by the WHO. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 30% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Laryngitis, Sore throat, Throat irritation (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 30% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Searches for: Type 2 diabetes, Urinary tract infection, Hair loss, Candidiasis, Weight gain Google The average relative frequency of searches for Type 2 diabetes, Urinary tract infection, Hair loss, Candidiasis, and Weight gain, in arbitrary units that are normalized against overall search patterns within each region. The symptoms in this set are not COVID-19 related. This signal is intended to be used as a negative control. USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-14 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 45% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
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Searches for: Type 2 diabetes, Urinary tract infection, Hair loss, Candidiasis, Weight gain (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 Ongoing day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 45% of counties. Data is available for all states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Sum Anosmia Ageusia Searches Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-13 2022-01-20 day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
See license
Sum Anosmia Ageusia Searches (7-day average) Google USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-02-20 2022-01-20 day daily 4-7 days None Google search users Covid symptomatic Data is available for about 3-4% of counties. Data is available for about 85% of states. Signals associated with rarer symptoms (e.g. ageusia) will tend to have fewer locations available, due to upstream privacy censoring. Locations with lower populations will tend to be less available for the same reason Google Terms of Service (
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Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions per day U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) receives reports from hospital systems on their capacity and admissions. This signal reports the number of adult and pediatric hospital admissions with confirmed COVID-19 occurring each day USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2019-12-31 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
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Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions per day (per 100k people) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2019-12-31 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-01-06 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average, per 100k people) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-01-06 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
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Confirmed Influenza Admissions per day U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) receives reports from hospital systems on their capacity and admissions. This signal reports the number of adult and pediatric hospital admissions with confirmed influenza occurring each day USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2019-12-31 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Flu hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
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Confirmed Influenza Admissions per day (7-day average) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-01-06 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Flu hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed Influenza Admissions per day (per 100k people) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2019-12-31 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Flu hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed Influenza Admissions per day (7-day average, per 100k people) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-01-06 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Flu hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
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Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions per day U.S. Department of Health & Human Services The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) receives reports from hospital systems on their capacity and admissions. This signal reports the number of adult and pediatric hospital admissions with suspected COVID-19 occurring each day USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2019-12-31 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions per day (per 100k people) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2019-12-31 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-01-06 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
See license
Confirmed and Suspected COVID-19 Admissions per day (7-day average, per 100k people) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services USA hhs (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state 2020-01-06 Ongoing day weekly 5-11 days Monthly. Backfill is relatively uncommon in this dataset (80% of dates from November 1, 2020 onward are never touched after their first issue) and most such updates occur one to two weeks after information about a date is first published. In rare instances, a value may be updated 10 weeks or more after it is first published. Covid hospitalized Data is available for all states and some territories. Public Domain US Government (
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COVID-19 Admissions (EMR and Claims) Optum Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of electronic medical records and claims from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother. Discontinued October 1, 2020. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 2020-09-27 day daily 3-4 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 7-13 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 57 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Optum network Covid hospitalized Data is available for about 35% of counties Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-19 Admissions (EMR and Claims) (Day-adjusted) Optum Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of electronic medical records and claims from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects. Discontinued October 1, 2020. USA county (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 2020-09-27 day daily 3-4 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 7-13 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 57 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Optum network Covid hospitalized Data is available for about 35% of counties Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-19 Admissions (Claims) Optum Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of claims from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 3-4 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 7-13 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 57 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Optum network Covid hospitalized Data is available for about 35% of counties Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
COVID-19 Admissions (Claims) (Day-adjusted) Optum Estimated percentage of new hospital admissions with COVID-associated diagnoses, based on counts of claims from health system partners, smoothed in time using a Gaussian linear smoother, and adjusted to reduce day-of-week effects. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 Ongoing day daily 3-4 days Daily. The source experiences heavy backfill with data delayed for a couple of weeks. We expect estimates available for the most recent 7-13 days to change substantially in later data revisions (having a median delta of 10% or more). Estimates for dates more than 57 days in the past are expected to remain fairly static (having a median delta of 1% or less), as most major revisions have already occurred. nationwide Optum network Covid hospitalized Data is available for about 35% of counties Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license. DUA uses generic contract terms.
Confirmed COVID Cases (Cumulative) Delphi Confirmed COVID-19 cases as reported by [USAFacts]( and [JHU-CSSE]( USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, 7-day average) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, 7-day average, per 100k people) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Cases (Cumulative, per 100k people) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, per 100k people) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Cumulative) Delphi Confirmed COVID-19 deaths as reported by [USAFacts]( and [JHU-CSSE]( USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, 7-day average) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, 7-day average, per 100k people) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Cumulative, per 100k people) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, per 100k people) Delphi USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2021-11-12 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
NMF Combination (with community symptoms) Delphi This signal uses a rank-1 approximation, from a nonnegative matrix factorization approach, to identify an underlying signal that best reconstructs the Doctor Visits (smoothed_adj_cli), Facebook Symptoms surveys (smoothed_cli), Facebook Symptoms in Community surveys (smoothed_hh_cmnty_cli), and Search Trends (smoothed_search) indicators. It does not include official reports (cases and deaths from the jhu-csse source). Higher values of the combined signal correspond to higher values of the other indicators, but the scale (units) of the combination is arbitrary. Note that the Search Trends source is not available at the county level, so county values of this signal do not use it. Discontinued March 17, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-15 2021-03-16 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid infected Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
NMF Combination (without community symptoms) Delphi This signal uses a rank-1 approximation, from a nonnegative matrix factorization approach, to identify an underlying signal that best reconstructs the Doctor Visits (doctor-visits:smoothed_cli), Facebook Symptoms surveys (fb-surveys:smoothed_cli), and Search Trends (ght:smoothed_search) indicators. It does not include official reports (cases and deaths from the jhu-csse source). Higher values of the combined signal correspond to higher values of the other indicators, but the scale (units) of the combination is arbitrary. Note that the Search Trends source is not available at the county level, so county values of this signal do not use it. Discontinued May 28, 2020. USA county (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-04-06 2020-05-26 day daily 1-3 days Daily This source is a combination of several signals representing different populations and doesn't correspond to a single demographic group Covid infected Data is available for about 70% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Confirmed COVID Cases (Cumulative) Johns Hopkins University Confirmed COVID-19 cases as reported by [JHU-CSSE]( USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, 7-day average) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, 7-day average, per 100k people) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Cases (Cumulative, per 100k people) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, per 100k people) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Deaths (Cumulative) Johns Hopkins University Confirmed COVID-19 deaths as reported by [JHU-CSSE]( USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, 7-day average) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, 7-day average, per 100k people) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-20 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Deaths (Cumulative, per 100k people) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, per 100k people) Johns Hopkins University USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-22 2023-03-09 day daily 1 day None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
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All Causes Deaths (Weekly new) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths from all causes. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( N/A dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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All Causes Deaths (Weekly new, per 100k people) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths from all causes, per 100k people. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( N/A dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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COVID and Pneumonia excl. Influenza Deaths (Weekly new) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving COVID-19 and Pneumonia, excluding Influenza . National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Covid Pneumonia dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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COVID and Pneumonia excl. Influenza Deaths (Weekly new, per 100k people) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving COVID-19 and Pneumonia, excluding Influenza, per 100k people. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Covid dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Confirmed or Presumed COVID Deaths (Weekly new) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19 . National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Covid dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Confirmed or Presumed COVID Deaths (Weekly new, per 100k people) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, per 100k people. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Covid dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Influenza Deaths (Weekly new) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving Influenza and at least one of (Pneumonia, COVID-19). National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Flu dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Influenza Deaths (Weekly new, per 100k people) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving Influenza and at least one of (Pneumonia, COVID-19), per 100k people. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Flu dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Percentage of Expected Deaths National Center for Health Statistics Weekly new deaths for all causes in 2020 as a percentage of the average number across the same week in 2017-2019.. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( N/A dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Pneumonia excl. Influenza Deaths (Weekly new) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving Pneumonia, excluding Influenza deaths . National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Pneumonia dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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Pneumonia excl. Influenza Deaths (Weekly new, per 100k people) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving Pneumonia, excluding Influenza deaths, per 100k people. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Pneumonia dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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COVID, Pneumonia or Influenza Deaths (Weekly new) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19 . National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Covid Flu Pneumonia dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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COVID, Pneumonia or Influenza Deaths (Weekly new, per 100k people) National Center for Health Statistics Number of weekly new deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19, per 100k people. National provisional death counts is based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics ([NCHS]( USA nation state 2020-05 Ongoing week weekly 11-17 days Weekly. All-cause mortality takes ~6 weeks on average to achieve 99% of its final value ( Covid Flu Pneumonia dead Data is available for all states and some territories. NCHS Data Use Agreement (
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COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor's office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 7% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 90% of states, about 70% on weekends CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive (7-day average) Quidel USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 50% of counties, and all or nearly all states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 0-17 Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 0-17 USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 0.7-2% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 30-45% of states, half that on weekends. Geographic coverage for smaller age groups (age 0-4 and age 65+) are also extremely limited at the HRR and MSA levels CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 0-17 (Smoothed) Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 0-17, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 5-15% of counties. Data is available for about 65-95% of states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 0-4 Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 0-4 USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 0.7-2% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 30-45% of states, half that on weekends. Geographic coverage for smaller age groups (age 0-4 and age 65+) are also extremely limited at the HRR and MSA levels CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 0-4 (Smoothed) Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 0-4, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 5-15% of counties. Data is available for about 65-95% of states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 18-49 Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 18-49 USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 0.7-2% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 30-45% of states, half that on weekends. Geographic coverage for smaller age groups (age 0-4 and age 65+) are also extremely limited at the HRR and MSA levels CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 18-49 (Smoothed) Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 18-49, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 5-15% of counties. Data is available for about 65-95% of states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 5-17 Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 5-17 USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 0.7-2% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 30-45% of states, half that on weekends. Geographic coverage for smaller age groups (age 0-4 and age 65+) are also extremely limited at the HRR and MSA levels CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 5-17 (Smoothed) Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 5-17, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 5-15% of counties. Data is available for about 65-95% of states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 50-64 Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 50-64 USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 0.7-2% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 30-45% of states, half that on weekends. Geographic coverage for smaller age groups (age 0-4 and age 65+) are also extremely limited at the HRR and MSA levels CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 50-64 (Smoothed) Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 50-64, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 5-15% of counties. Data is available for about 65-95% of states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 65+ Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 65 and above USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 0.7-2% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 30-45% of states, half that on weekends. Geographic coverage for smaller age groups (age 0-4 and age 65+) are also extremely limited at the HRR and MSA levels CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
COVID-19 Antigen Tests: Percent Positive, Ages 65+ (Smoothed) Quidel When a patient (whether at a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital) has COVID-like symptoms, doctors may order an antigen test. An antigen test can detect parts of the virus that are present during an active infection. This is in contrast with antibody tests, which detect parts of the immune system that react to the virus, but which persist long after the infection has passed. For this signal, we compute the percentage of antigen tests performed that were positive for COVID-19 among people ages 65 and above, smoothed using a 7-day moving average and geographical pooling USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-05-26 Ongoing day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for about 5-15% of counties. Data is available for about 65-95% of states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
Flu Tests: Percent Negative Quidel The percentage of flu tests that are negative, suggesting the patient's illness has another cause, possibly COVID-19 . Discontinued May 19, 2020. USA msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-31 2020-05-10 day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Flu population Data is available for about 7% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 90% of states, about 70% on weekends CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
Flu Tests: Percent Negative (7-day average) Quidel USA msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-31 2020-05-10 day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Flu population Data is available for about 50% of counties, and all or nearly all states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
Flu Tests: Tests Per Device Quidel The average number of flu tests conducted by each testing device; measures volume of testing . Discontinued May 19, 2020. USA msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-31 2020-05-10 day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Flu population Data is available for about 7% of counties, half that on weekends. Data is available for about 90% of states, about 70% on weekends CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
Flu Tests: Tests Per Device (7-day average) Quidel USA msa (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-31 2020-05-10 day daily 5-6 days Daily. Happens up to 6+ weeks after the report date. Revised values vary -3.5 to 1.8% around the final value for a given date and location. Nationwide Quidel testing equipment network Flu population Data is available for about 50% of counties, and all or nearly all states. CC BY
Quidel provides Delphi data solely for internal research use and non-commercial research and analytics purposes for developing models for forecasting influenza-like epidemics and pandemics (CC BY).
Completely Home SafeGraph The fraction of mobile devices that did not leave the immediate area of their home. This is SafeGraph’s completely_home_device_count / device_count. Discontinued April 19th, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Completely Home (7-day average) SafeGraph USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Full Time Work/School SafeGraph The fraction of mobile devices that spent more than 6 hours at one location other than their home during the daytime. This is SafeGraph’s full_time_work_behavior_devices / device_count. Discontinued April 19th, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Full Time Work/School (7-day average) SafeGraph USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Median Home Dwell Time SafeGraph The median time spent at home for all devices at this location for this time period, in minutes. Discontinued April 19th, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Median Home Dwell Time (7-day average) SafeGraph USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Part Time Work/School SafeGraph The fraction of devices that spent between 3 and 6 hours at one location other than their home during the daytime. This is SafeGraph’s part_time_work_behavior_devices / device_count. Discontinued April 19th, 2021. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Part Time Work/School (7-day average) SafeGraph USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2021-04-16 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Bar Visits SafeGraph Delphi receives data from [SafeGraph](, which collects weekly insights on Points of Interest (POI) using anonymized location data from mobile phones. We select locations that qualify as "Drinking Places (alcoholic beverages)" from all the [core places](, then count the number of visits. Note that these counts only include people whose visits are tracked because they are in SafeGraph's panel; they do not include all bar visits by everyone in the population. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2022-05-01 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for about 10% of counties. Data is available for about 90% of states CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Bar Visits (per 100k people) SafeGraph USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2022-05-01 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for about 10% of counties. Data is available for about 90% of states CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Restaurant Visits SafeGraph Delphi receives data from [SafeGraph](, which collects weekly insights on Points of Interest (POI) using anonymized location data from mobile phones. We select locations that qualify as "Full-Service Restaurants" from all the [core places](, then count the number of visits. Note that these counts only include people whose visits are tracked because they are in SafeGraph's panel; they do not include all restaurant visits by everyone in the population. USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2022-05-01 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Restaurant Visits (per 100k people) SafeGraph USA county (by Delphi) hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2019-01-01 2022-05-01 day weekly 3-11 days None Safegraph panel members who use mobile devices N/A population Data is available for about 80% of counties Data is available for all states and some territories. CC BY
Delphi is free to publish and otherwise disclose the results of its Research (including but not limited to reports and papers and other activities conducted under the Research), including analyses and/or aggregated reporting of the Data. However, the underlying raw Data may not be published without Licensor’s consent.
Confirmed COVID Cases (Cumulative) USAFacts Confirmed COVID-19 cases as reported by [USAFacts]( USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, 7-day average) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, 7-day average, per 100k people) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Cases (Cumulative, per 100k people) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Cases (Daily new, per 100k people) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid ascertained (case) Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Cumulative) USAFacts Confirmed COVID-19 deaths as reported by [USAFacts]( USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, 7-day average) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, 7-day average, per 100k people) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-02-01 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Cumulative, per 100k people) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
Confirmed COVID Deaths (Daily new, per 100k people) USAFacts USA county hhs (by Delphi) hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) nation (by Delphi) state (by Delphi) 2020-01-25 2023-01-02 day weekly 2-8 days None. The raw data reports cumulative cases and deaths, which Delphi diffs to compute incidence. Raw cumulative figures are sometimes corrected by adjusting the reported value for a single day, but revisions do not affect past report dates. Covid dead Data is available for all counties and some territorial county equivalents. Data is available for all states. CC BY
See license
COVID Emergency Department Visits (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program Percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of COVID-19 USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Covid hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
Influenza Emergency Department Visits (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program Percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of influenza USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Flu hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
COVID Emergency Department Visits (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program Percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of rsv USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Rsv hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
Emergency Department Visits for COVID, Influenza, and RSV Combined (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program Percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of COVID-19, influenza, or rsv USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Covid Flu Rsv hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
COVID Emergency Department Visits (Percent of total ED visits, 3-week average) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program 3-week moving average of percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of COVID-19 USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Covid hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
Influenza Emergency Department Visits (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program 3-week moving average of percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of influenza USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Flu hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
COVID Emergency Department Visits (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program 3-week moving average of percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of rsv USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Rsv hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None
Emergency Department Visits for COVID, Influenza, and RSV Combined (Percent of total ED visits) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Syndromic Surveillance Program 3-week moving average of percent of ED visits that had a discharge diagnosis code of COVID-19, influenza, or rsv USA county hrr (by Delphi) msa (by Delphi) state 2022-10-01 ongoing week weekly Covid Flu Rsv hospitalized Data is available for 78% of US emergency departments. California, Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Virginia have the most noticeable gaps in coverage, with many counties in those states having either no eligible EDs or having no recently reported data in NSSP. However, most states have some counties that do not contain any reporting EDs. NSSP does not report county-level data for all counties with reporting EDs; some reporting EDs are only included in state-level values. The following states report no data through NSSP at the county level: CA, WA, AK, AZ, AL, CO, SD, ND, MO, AR, FL, OH, NH, CT, NJ. South Dakota, Missouri, and territories report no data through NSSP at the state level. None